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World History I Research Project

Guided inquiry designed research project.

Guided Inquiry Design: What's that?

We're using a process called Guided Inquiry Design. Here's a cool graphic and some definitions.

  • Open: Invitation to inquiry, open minds, stimulate curiosity
  • Immerse: Build background knowledge, connect to content, discover interesting ideas
  • Explore: Explore interesting ideas, look around, dip in
  • Identify: Pause and ponder, identify inquiry question, decide direction
  • Gather: Gather important information, go broad, go deep
  • Create: Reflect on learning, go beyond facts to make meaning, create to communicate
  • Share: Learn from each other, share learning, tell your story
  • Evaluate: Evaluate achievement of learning goals, reflect on content, reflect on process


Graphics and definitions are from:

Kuhlthau, Carol C., Leslie K. Maniotes and Ann K. Caspari. Guided Inquiry: A framework for your school. ABC-CLIO, 2012.

For more information about guided inquiry design, visit the GID website.