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Current events

Looking for current events? You've come to the right place! The table below will take you directly to important tools, definitions and explanations.

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Global Issues with magazine, journal and book articles on global issues and topics.
Opposing Viewpoints provides essays, arguments and viewpoints on various sides of controversial topics.

Independent and nonprofit news organizations

ProPublica Investigative and professional journalism funded by contributions. Read about ProPublica here.

Your Commonwealth Journalists age 15-29 from around the world report on issues of particular concern to young people. Read about Youth Voices here.

YR Media Nonprofit news organizations with young people supplying articles, photographs and more. Read about YR Media here.


Full text of The Boston Globe 1980-present

Unlimited Full Digital edition (access from the BLS campus only)

Full-text articles from The New York Times 1985 to present (available at home & school)

Use your BPL card and PIN number to access pressreader, which includes newspapers across the U.S., including NY Daily News, NY Post, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune (among others.)

Public broadcasting services

BBC British Broadcasting System. Int'l news. Read about the BBC here. NPR National Public Radio. International and U.S. news. Read about NPR here.
Global Post From The World/ Public Radio Int'l. Int'l News. Read about The World here. PBS Public Broadcasting Service. News and public affairs programming. Read about PBS here.


Content Aggregators

You may find these aggregator sites helpful. They are not news sources. Instead, they compile news from various sources and sometimes include information on political bias. They may also be organized around themes, such as geographic area.