New! Research Process LibGuide
"Research Ready" for Class VI
School wide Research Rubric
We are beginning this year with a research process that will be piloted in the Class I and Class VI Capstone projects although any teacher may try it and provide feedback to the Research Task Force. The process aligns with the Boston Latin School Research school wide rubric and combines ideas from the Standards for the 21st Century Learner (American Association of School Libraries), Research Process: Step-by-Step (Johnson & Wales University Library, Denver Campus) and the newly released draft of Information LIteracy Competency Standards for Higher Education (Assoc. of College & Research Libraries).
The 12-member Research Task Force, made up of Boston Latin School department heads and teachers across different subject areas and grade levels, began its work in March 2014 with the goal of developing a research process and, eventually, a scope and sequence. The landscape of information literacy has changed and will continue to change. In addition to providing a structure and process to effect consistent integration of information and media literacy skills into student learning, the Task Force will work to help identify and define 21st century research and information skills and answer these basic questions:
In 2014-2015 the Task Force will continue their work by evaluating the research process through feedback from students and teachers, assessment of students research skills in the new 12th grade Capstone class and by looking at data generated from the Research Ready assessments given Class VI.