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Junior Research Paper

Resources for the 11th grade junior research paper.

Keefe Library Digital Resources


  • Biography in Context (Gale) - Find biographical information on famous historical figures.
  • Literature Criticism Online -Excerpts of literary criticism articles from Contemporary Literary Criticism, Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism and Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism.
  • Literature Resource Center-Full-text articles; literary criticism; author biographies; critical essays; reviews from scholarly journals and literary magazines. 
  • Opposing Viewpoints (Gale) -Essays, arguments and viewpoints on various sides of controversial topics.
  • Pop Culture Collection (Gale) - Popular magazines and scholarly journals that both analyze and contribute to popular culture
  • JSTOR offers scholarly journal articles across many disciplines. (BPL Card with PIN required)

Magazines & Newspapers

New York Times - Unlimited Full Digital edition at BLS.

Academic OneFile - Find peer-reviewed and scholarly journal articles. (Includes The New Yorker)

News (Gale) - Includes:

  • Washington Post
  • Al Jazeera English
  • BBC News
  • The Guardian (London)
  • The Economist