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Bloodbound Responsibility: What Would You Do for Family?

by Susan Harari on 2024-04-01T14:14:39-04:00 | 0 Comments

Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribay - 4.5/5 stars

Published: 2019, Penguin Young Readers Group

Genre: Mystery

Reviewer: Aiya L., Class II

If you’re looking for a book with a relatable main character and an intriguing mystery to solve, this is the book for you. Patron Saints of Nothing follows seventeen-year-old Jay Reguero, who was born in the Philippines but moved to Michigan when he was one. He often struggles with identity issues, being a half-Filipino and half-American teenager, and is constantly seeking his purpose and place in the world. In all of the chaos of college admissions and academic essays, Jay finds resolve in playing video games with his best friend, Seth. However, his world is turned upside down when he receives the news that his cousin, Jun, has been murdered as a result of the drug war occurring in the Philippines. In his refusal to accept the assumption that his beloved cousin was a drug lord, Jay takes it upon himself to travel to the Philippines on his own and uncover the truth behind Jun’s death. Although he does not know the local language and is barely familiar with Filipino traditions, Jay remains open-minded and reveals the story little by little. 

As an American-born Filipino person myself, I thoroughly enjoyed the relatability of the characters as well as the accuracy of the novel in its descriptions of the Philippines and the mannerisms of the Filipino people. This novel sheds light on the very real and harrowing drug war taking place in the Philippines in a way that will reel you in and coax you to look deeper into the matter and its injustices. 

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