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7th Grade Science Project

Guided Inquiry model resources to support independent learning.

All about the 7th grade science project

You are at the beginning of a three-month science adventure. Science projects have been a tradition for Boston Latin School 7th graders for over 75 years! Over the next three months, you will be exploring your interests and curiosities and choosing a topic. Then, as you become an expert on your topic through research, you will move to designing an experiment that you will conduct. Finally, you will share your findings with other students to add to the body of scientific knowledge. This may seem like a lot, but your teachers have worked hard to break this project into parts. Before you know it, you will be showing off your results!

Guided Inquiry Design: What's that?

We're using a process called Guided Inquiry Design. Here's a cool graphic and some definitions.

  • Open: Invitation to inquiry, open minds, stimulate curiosity
  • Immerse: Build background knowledge, connect to content, discover interesting ideas
  • Explore: Explore interesting ideas, look around, dip in
  • Identify: Pause and ponder, identify inquiry question, decide direction
  • Gather: Gather important information, go broad, go deep
  • Create: Reflect on learning, go beyond facts to make meaning, create to communicate
  • Share: Learn from each other, share learning, tell your story
  • Evaluate: Evaluate achievement of learning goals, reflect on content, reflect on process


Graphics and definitions are from:

Kuhlthau, Carol C., Leslie K. Maniotes and Ann K. Caspari. Guided Inquiry: A framework for your school. ABC-CLIO, 2012.

For more information about guided inquiry design, visit the GID website.