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7th Grade Science Project

Guided Inquiry model resources to support independent learning.

What are your interests?

What are your interests?

There is science in everything you do! 

  1. Choose a topic below that interests you. Skim and scan through the article, publication, or table of contents. 

  2. Next choose one article or one chapter from a book.

  3. Complete the Stop & Jot using the article/chapter you selected.




Open the Table of Contents

How is sound created? How do we hear so many different sounds? Why does different music bring about different emotional responses?

Visual Arts 


Cooking & Baking

Open the Table of Contents

How much science is in cooking? A lot! Find out about the science of baking, mixing, ingredients, effect of temperature, and more.



Open the Table of Contents.

Read about technology, engineering, and math in space. 

Video Games