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Class V Civics Action Project

Tools for creating

Want to try one of these out? Take time to experiment and learn the platform. We support WeVideo through a paid subscription and can help you troubleshoot. Others will require advance work on your part to incorporate them into your project.


Make movies, public service announcements, podcasts


Design infographics, reports, social media graphics, posters

Google Maps

Create and share custom maps


Design posters, flyers, presentations, social media posts


Simple app building platform


Create games without the need for scripting or coding.


Design and build fully functional websites, using pre-existing templates


Blogging platform for teens



Tools for organizing and spreading the word

Use these tools to help you get the word out, write persuasively, connect with others

Let Kids Grow

A "Letter to the Editor" toolkit

Afterschool Alliance

Tips on writing and getting your letter to the editor published


Create an online petition and use the platform to gather signatures

Do Something

Join an existing campaign or start your own

Taking It Global

Action guides, petitions, an online art gallery. Ideas to inspire you and connect with others.

Girls Inc.

Learn about projects to "inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold."

Inthink Agency

Advice for building  effective change: how to tips on media, organizing, strategy, etc.